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5 Workouts to Have the Best Six-Pack in Summer

5 Workouts to Have the Best Six-Pack in Summer – Marking the abdomen is the goal of any true fitness enthusiast. And this summer, he can show off his six-pack of steel at the chocolate bar level.

Of course, it takes effort, regularity, and determination. But if you want to enjoy your magazine cover figure this summer, you should “work now.” Luckily, a professional trainer has revealed the secret to achieving sculpted abs.

In this article, Magazine Six presents his five exercises to achieve his pack.

1. Jackknives / Razors

It is one of the basic exercises for marking muscles in the core area. Needs adjustment.

Lie on your back and cover your arms and legs upwards. The idea is that the tips of your hands can touch the advice of your feet. With this exercise, you can exercise different areas of your body.


  • improve balance
  • you manage to mark the abdomen
  • toned legs
  • a type of aerobic exercise
  • You can do it anywhere in your home.
  • It’s an easy technique to do.

2. Reverse Crunch

This exercise allows you to mark the stomach area with better tension. It consists of lying supine on the ground. The legs do the movement, and the back is partially on the floor.

Athletes must raise both legs. Once you’ve stretched them out, you can lift your hips to create more tension. Once grown, you need to lift your hips.

Keep your palms on the ground for stability. However, the force must exert by the core and leg muscles, not the hands.


  • The muscles in the middle of the torso strengthen.
  • It does not create strain on your back or neck.
  • Minor modifications can made to target specific areas of the abdomen.
  • No special equipment is required.
  • You can prepare it at home.
  • So, it gives stability and balance.

3. High Side Plank Crisis

High-side plank crunches, also known as side planks or planks, can be a little tricky at first. However, once you principal the technique, you can work the sides of your abdomen.

It would help if you lay on the floor in a lateral recumbent position. Then, support your body on the ground with one arm and extend the other arm up.

Hips rise to armpit level. The arms that support the body can be straight or bent. This second option of he allows you to use your elbow as support.

Up and down, he does ten repetitions, then changes position and works the other torso or side. He does 2-3 sets on each side to get the most out of the exercise.


  • I lost belly fat.
  • The rectus abdominis and transverse muscles are traine.
  • Indorses deltoids and chest.
  • Strengthen your shoulders and arms.
  • Strengthens the abdomen.

4. High Side Plank Twist – Best Six-Pack in Summer

As the name suggests, this difference in the exercises is already presented. It is a plank-hi twist, but instead of moving your hips up and down, keep your arms outstretched and in a sideways position.

This movement is done by freeing his arm up and down under the arch of the other arm (arm in a straight position). Best if you have already mastered the previous technique.

Similarly, 2-3 series of 10 repetitions are performed on each side to strengthen the exercise.


  • So, it strengthens your obliques and whole core.
  • Strengthen your back.
  • Helps arm development.
  • Tighten your abdomen.

5. Plank / Iron – Best Six-Pack in Summer

The anaerobic exercise table is one of his most complete exercises for working different body areas and having six packs.

There are many planks, but the most basic is lying face down on the floor. Feet should be next to each other. Spikes on the ground. He must maintain this position for 30 seconds, with his hands bent and extended.

Of course, you can increase the resistance time as you get more accessible. Similarly, you can incorporate other plank variations, such as lifting one leg while applying pressure to your abdomen.


  • Calories are consumed.
  • It works in several muscle groups: glutes, transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis, and obliques.
  • Strengthen joints and muscles and prevent injuries.
  • So it improves stability and balance.
  • No special machinery is required.
  • You can do it at home.

Precautions While Performing Abdominal Exercises

When working on your abs and defining your six-pack, you should consider some general recommendations. First, according to the Kovacs Foundation, in an article publish on the Web de la Espalda, “exercise should done slowly.” This way, a better job is accomplish because the risk of pulling is reduce, and you are more fatigued.

HERE ARE SOME GENERAL Recommendations – Best Six-Pack in Summer

  • Professional guidance is required.
  • Control your breathing.
  • The neck should not be tense.
  • Sit-ups should be done with lumbar support.
  • It is necessary to proceed gradually. Repeating over and over again is not good.
  • Sit-ups shouldn’t be done every day. Only 3-4 days a week.

In short, performing the exercises to achieve a six-pack of steel is straightforward. However, it takes patience and effort. To complete the technique correctly and avoid injury, it is recommend to be supervise by a professional trainer.

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